Mountain Biking in Boise – Full e-Book


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Welcome to the 6th edition of Mountain Biking in Boise, published in 2012. The new edition contains the most popular rides in the Boise Foothills, including the Watchman Trail, Fat Tire Traverse, Freddy’s Stack Rock Trail, Mahalo Trail, and much more.


Welcome to the 6th edition of Mountain Biking in Boise, published in 2012. The new edition contains the most popular rides in the Boise Foothills, including the Watchman Trail, Fat Tire Traverse, Freddy’s Stack Rock Trail, Mahalo Trail, and much more.

We mountain bikers have much to celebrate in Boise considering that we now have access to more than 200 miles of trails, including 130+ miles in the Ridge to Rivers system, 80+ miles at Avimor and all of the trails, jumps, technical features and more at the Idaho Velodrome & Cycle Park in Eagle. This compares to an 85-mile trail system in 2002, when there was no public access to Avimor and the Idaho Velopark was a field of sagebrush.

All of these additions to the mountain biking experience in Boise puts our community one step closer to Mayor David Bieter’s goal to be “the most livable city in America.” I would venture to say that Boise’s mountain biking assets rival any city of its size anywhere in America, and it should be considered a Top 10 mountain bike destination in the U.S.

Now, with the latest edition of Mountain Biking in Boise, you’ve got 65 trails (well, 66 actually) to explore. Seize the day, grab your bike and go have some fun! If you’re new to mountain biking, you can ride a progression of beginner rides and intermediate rides and work up to advanced/expert rides. Just take it one day at a time, one ride at a time, and you’ll get there! Have fun!